Client: Female
Age: 52
Plan: Silver
Goal: Problem Skin, Gut Health, Menopause
I first contacted Tracey 4 months ago with a number of issues; problem skin, gut issues and struggling with the menopause. I was at a very low point and in desperate need to feel better.In the previous 18 months I had had 3 different types of antibiotics from the doctors for my skin which initially cleared up my problem skin, however, after a short period of time after each course my skin flared up ‘bigger and better’ than the time before. I thought I had been eating pretty healthy, I had been training hard in the gym but was struggling to get results. I had been feeling pretty low and extremely tired/unwell for quite a long time. Enough was enough. A friend recommended Tracey to me, they had seen Tracey about 4 weeks prior to my initial consultation and were saying how much better they were feeling.Tracey gave me a 6 week program to follow, which was pretty daunting for me in that first week, however, she was on hand for any queries/questions/support. After that initial week it became second nature. My energy levels increased and my gut started to improve very quickly. My skin has taken longer to improve which is quite normal.
4 months on and I am still sticking to my plan, I eat lots of fresh wholesome foods and I am never hungry. I feel so much better and have far more energy. My training is back on track, my gut is much better, my menopause symptoms have improved, my skin more or less back to normal and as an added bonus I have lost a little weight (which wasn’t my plan) but I gained muscle and lost fat which has been an added bonus.
Tracey has been a game changer for me, she is an absolute star.